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If you’ve ever been to our location in Lakeview, you’re likely aware of “The Vault,” our basement full of $.50 comics and half-off graphic novels. What you may have never realized though is that past the literal thousands of bargain comics, behind a cardboard cutout of Star Trek Voyager’s Chakotay, through a set of thin metal doors is a large room that’s home to a blossoming community of artists. Originally refinished to house our regular Magic the Gathering commander nights we hold every Wednesday, the room spent the rest of the week quiet, dark, and unused.

A longtime employee of the Lakeview location, Jake Pierce saw this as the perfect opportunity to use the space to host something very near and dear to his heart: RAD a fun show. RAD is a free comedy show that happens every 1st and 3rd Thursday from 7 – 9 pm. But RAD isn’t just any comedy show. Having just celebrated RAD’s 2nd end of the year comedy spectacular, Jake and fellow show runner Pat Hoban pride themselves in having created a show that is welcoming to all, not just in the inviting atmosphere of the show itself, but in the diverse cavalcade of comedians that every event consistently offers. Regardless of the color of your skin, your sexual preference, or your gender identity, it’s unlikely that you won’t see yourself represented by at least a few performers in any given lineup. Previously hosted by a local café, RAD quickly became the kind of show that performers and audience members alike were excited to tell their friends about and bring along. With the new “2nd Vault” then freshly painted and inhabitable it was a natural transition to what is now fondly referred to as “The Rad Room.” Thanks to RAD. a fun show, the road was paved for another event to find a home in The Rad Room: ChiDrink & caDrawgo, a monthly drink & draw hosted the 1st Saturday of every month. Started 8 months ago by regular customers and friends of the store Eric Green and Joe Crohn (and Mooge the dog), ChiDrink & caDrawgo has become home to a collective of local artists coming together each month over a couple beers and draw while discussing current events in the industry and sharing personal artistic endeavors. Every event has a drawing prompt (though following the prompt is merely encouraged, never required), plenty of supplies (no pencils or paper? No problem!), coloring books, and usually a delicious cake made with love by Joe’s mom. Not only is ChiDrawGo creating a community of its own, they even closed out 2018 with a successful toy drive benefitting Becca’s Legacy, a local charity organization dedicated to helping children with cancer!


For more information on either event, you can find them on Facebook under the event’s respective names or on Instagram at @rad.afunshow and @chidrawgo. Come down to the Graham Crackers in Lakeview and support the arts (and maybe even your inner artist) with us!