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1) Green Lantern – My favorite ongoing series has to be Grant Morrison’s take on Green Lantern, the book from the beginning takes you on twist and turns with Hal Jordan and his life as a galactic space-cop, Liam Sharp’s artwork has been excellent to say the least, this is the first time aliens looks and technology truly looks alien to me the art is defiantly something not from this earth and that’s why I love it, this book is by far the book I get most excited for when it gets a new issue.

2) Daredevil – The current Daredevil series written Chip Zdarsky has been great, more introspective look at the hero while keeping a lot of the continuity still intact, not a lot of action but when it does happen its perfect. Kingpin in particular really shines in this series as a villain who has essentially won and doesn’t know what to do afterwards.

3) Detective Comics – I started up Detective Comics just before #1000 hit and it has been great, the Arkham Knight Story arc I thought was great and a nice addition to the DC universe. Just another great example of comics doing it better! Batman works best in Gotham proving he really is the world’s greatest Detective.

4) Doomsday Clock – Like many I am obsessed with the Watchmen/DCU crossover, I look forward to the release dates and are devastated to see them get pushed back, but when they do come out they are always worth the wait. The artwork is beautiful and the story telling is great. Issue #10 in particular really stood out by really showing how Doc Manhattan really lives his life, and how he views the world. A must read for me.

5) Firefly – I am a huge fan of the Firefly TV series, I re-watched them and the movie multiple times, so when I saw a new Firefly comic on the racks I had to get it. If you are a fan of the movie and T.V show you need to be reading this book the characters are so well written they leap off the page, these books are the continued adventures fans have been waiting for.

6) High Level – High Level is a series I don’t see enough people reading, taking place after some sort of Mad Max end of the world as we know it event, High Level is filled with interesting and diverse characters along with great world building and lots of adventure. The story has defiantly been told before of getting someone from one place to another but not quite like this.

7) Dceased – DC’s version of a zombie apocalypse is AMAZING. Seeing characters we know and love like Batman and Superman reacting to such horrible events in their world is great, the twist and kill offs are equal to Game of Thrones in my opinions, also the horror movie Homage covers are a must have for collectors.

8) Savage Avengers – Marvel taking all the savage or brutal characters in their line up and putting them all together is a fantastic thing. If you don’t shy away from blood and gore this is a great book. The Avengers who kill most have been calling it. The first issue is Conan and Wolverine fighting just giving us a small glimpse of the rawness we will see from this series. Very excited for more.

9) Rick and Morty – As a fan of the T.V series of course I had to read the comics, the books are like add-on’s to the amazing series, the humor definitely translates from show to book. I started reading comics because of The Simpsons comics, the Rick and Morty comics remind me of those comics in some way.

10) Star Trek Q Conflict – Another one of my favorite T.V series is Star Trek: The Next Generation, my favorite characters in TNG is CAPT Pickard, LCDR DATA, and Q. the second I saw they took not only all of TNG but then all the CAPTs and crews from almost all the other series. Including other Omnipotent beings from the star trek universe. The writing is top notch and all characters get time in the spotlight and feel like how they did in the shows.
Play Me Out Paul!