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Some of my customers in Naperville really do not understand why I am so jacked for the new Rise of Ultraman book. This blog entry will tell you why. I have grown up with Godzilla and Gamera movies but there was so many TV shows that were of the same genre. As far back as I remember channel 44 used to play a lot of out of the ordinary cartoons like Speed Racer and the old clip art Marvel cartoons. One day I was waiting for one of those and I saw a TV show with a silver and red guy fighting a monster. I was hooked right off the bat. My buddy told me it was a show called Ultraman and he too loved it. What I did not realize that this was a whole series. So I started putting that show in the TV I had to watch.

As time went I also found out there were other shows that were Japan and dubbed for America. There was a show with a kid with a watch that controlled a Giant Robot (Johnny Socko & Giant Robot). Another show where there was a family that turned into rockets (Space Giants). Lastly there was a show a gold and brown guy whose enemies were 2 apes (Spectreman). To me this was the best Tv was going to get at my age. I was in love watching men in rubber suits beat each other up. It was so different for the Godzilla movies because there was a different monster each episode. Sadly no one else in the neighborhood watched these shows other than my buddy Ken. Everyone looked at us funny when we talked about them. It felt like those shows were just for me.

The neat thing about being in comics at that time was that some that genre. They were not the same characters but I did get a Godzilla and a Shogun Warriors book from Marvel. Not quite the same as the shows but they were fun none the less. Sadly they did not have any comics that I could see for the show that I watch.

My interest started to wane a little during high school and college because there was other things to occupy my time. Yet during this time I would work Wizard World every year. That is where I discovered the world of the bootleg or fansub if you don’t want to sound shady. That is where I discovered even more shows of the same vein. I also discovered at that time TBS on cable was playing Ultraseven at 7am on Sundays. That became and still is my favorite of all the shows. I like so much that my buddy Kurt and I have created a religion around it. We are Sevenists. If you are ever curious just ask me and I will regale you of its wonders.

Yet my love of these truly did not blossom until I took over the St Charles store. I met a guy who is the same age as I am who is a walking encyclopedia for anything Japanese. His name is Roy. I admit I know some stuff but he puts me to shame. He has shown me shows that I never knew existed. I was supposed to see him at G-Fest but the “accident” happened and I never got to the show. I only go to G-Fest to hang out with him. I am a better person for knowing him. Plus a little more knowledgeable.

Now is a golden age for like these shows. I like Ultraman and another generation like Power Rangers. They are just birds of another feather. Streaming services are playing these shows. Even entertainment companies are releasing cleaned up copies of the original shows.

I can never truly tell you why I love these shows so much. Maybe they just remind me of the simpler times of my childhood. I guess my inner child peeks out when I talk about watching them. They are also a fun escape from reality for a little bit. I hope this gives you an idea why I am totally stoked for The Rise of Ultraman comic. Give it a peek at your local Graham Crackers when it comes out. Also read Kaijumax because it is so much fun.

Thanks for reading my ramblings.