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New Years Eve was not the same, nor was past New Years Day,

We all were weird, even air was feared, still life goes on they say.

Some comic fans were left adrift, their clubhouse suddenly scary,

Silence fell amongst the books, where once the feeling, merry.

A straggling few just left in deep despair. The rest

Clung to that hope which springs eternal in the human breast:

They thought that if only DC and Marvel would realize that-

No common plague can stop demand for Spidey and the Bat.

Still Image kept on pitching, as did the folks at Boom,

Both were helpful to us all, when Marvel left the room.

The year was tough but we’re still here, reported cases flat,

Summer’s here, the coast more clear, time for Spidey and the Bat.

We want annuals with diagrams, pin-ups and blue prints,

We want Evolutionary War to rage in ways we’ve not seen since,

The Giant Size was the mighty king who killed King Size,

Treasury Editions dwarfed the rack, reprints in large guise.

Now with the sun, comes more fun, it’s time to celebrate

So wind up big and throw some juice, life doesn’t like to wait.

It’s a brand new day for those still in the game, a chance for doing better,

We’re at the plate, in present state, the spitballs getting wetter.

Paper drives, delinquent scares, the 90’s bust all tried,

’til Robert Downey Jr. showed up, the jocks all thought we’d died.

Once in a while, for everybody, the ball takes a bad hop,

The score’s a ruse, the winners choose to never really stop.

So here we are all waiting for the Bigs to pitch their tents,

As May has always been the time for big events.

But masks and shots, and homebound tots have fiddled with the plan,

Free Comic Day, while once was May, will now happen once we’re tan.

Oh, sometime in this August when the sun is shining bright;

The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,

And somewhere someone’s drawing, and elsewhere writer’s shout:

Our summer’s been pushed into Fall, after Free Comic Book Day books come out.