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Well, it appears that writer Jeremy Adams managed to provide us with an ending that is entertaining even though we got a little lost in the middle. With a couple of surprizing guest stars (no, not that pesky Justice League Dark) and an amazing cast on art and coloring duties, the plot of the Eclipso/Starbreaker hybrid is thwarted. We get a couple of plot points closed out and a big reveal in the wanning moments of the story. (Just remember DC the names Speed Queen and Joannie Quick are already taken!) An unusual and somewhat cliche ending leads us into something that might be, dare I say it, interesting? Time will tell, it always does. I give it a 7 out of 10 Grahams.



Certainly, no one can dispute that IDW remember what made the 80’s great. And once again they prove it by letting Erik Burnham and Dan Schoening channel their younger selves sitting in front of the television watching Saturday morning cartoons. And while story and art are definately right off the tv screen, IDW may have forgotten one key selling point of this series. While there is no doubt that there is no limit to the amount of nostalgic GI Joe cartoon fans out there, what IDW has not realized (a least by the ads for the title) is that they have created the perfect comic for young readers. In a marketplace filled with multidimensional 100 part crossovers filled with metaphysics and ponderings about the nature of life, a tale about a power mad dictator having his minions secure him Aladan’s lamp (including genie!) is a story that everyone can enjoy. And with the public service announcement at the end of the issue (I can hear it now, “…and knowing is half the battle! GI JOOOOOOOEEEE!”) And the fact that the only weapon’s fire that actually hits anything is directed at a giant robot, this one can be bought by anyone. Well done, IDW, well done. I give it a 9 out of 10 Grahams.


With the exception of some interesting bits of the Penguin being the Penguin, this story is quickly turning into the movie Groundhogs Day with it’s repetition. Big fight scene last chapter, Psycho Pirate erases everybody’s memories but leaves behind clues. Back to day one. The Bat family knows something’s wrong and starts to turn up the clues left behind from the last reset loop. Only to have Nightwing find the Psycho Pirate and have him say his name, out loud, on an open communication line to Bat HQ, only to apparently have no one hear it as they are under attack. And since he’s the only one at this point who knows who the main villain is, he gets captured. Who bets that next chapter, there’s a reset and now Nightwing’s undercover character is found missing? Hmmm, no takers. We’ve hit Chapter 7, how many more chapters are there? I give this a 5 out of 10 Grahams.