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Well, its Mirka Andolfo and Luca Blengino’s turn to spin us a little tale featuring everybody’s favorite pin up queen, Bettie Page. This time with a team of illustrators including Elisa Ferrari, Mara Angelilli, and Tommaso Ronda. And the multiple cover artists (like Joseph Michael Linsner) provide the great pin up art, the interiors are shooting for a more cartoony feel. Like a issue of Batman/Scooby-Doo Team Up. But that is not necessarily a bad thing. Especially as we are introduced to Karen, Bettie’s secretary and her agent Benjamin. And the mystery begins as we come across another … Bettie?! Weird happenings in Rome in what reminds me of a 1970’s cartoon. An interesting concept. I give it an 8 out of 10 Grahams.



A new team-up title?! I’m in! Brave & the Bold, Marvel Team-Up, and now Static Team-Up. And writer Evan Narcisse along with Charles Stewart III pencils and Jose Marzan Jr.’s inks starts out with a bold pairing. For those of you unfamiliar with the history of Milestone Comics, Static had proven so popular that he was given his own animated series in the early 2000’s and in the third episode of the third season, Static would meet up with Anansi, a hero from Africa in a story from 2003. The hero would reappear in a second episode during the fourth season. So technically, this is the first appearance of the character in an actual comic! And they do a great job. New concepts to hopefully be put to good use in the future! New allies, enemies, monsters! This one really continues the tradition of team-up titles! 9 out of 10 Grahams.



In 1993, a new independant comic hit the stands created by Fred Perry. It was a crazy combination of black and white and color featuring tales and characters straight out of a role playing game that was so popular back then. And while it didn’t really appeal to me back then, I couldn’t help but notice it. More over, as the years progressed, I kept running into it. 50 issues, 100 issues, etc. the local LCS seemed to have at least one issue on the shelf. Now, I have to commend Fred Perry and his creation for hitting this milestone. Not only that but for all the work done here, mini-series, Annuals, Specials, and even an animated movie! Not too shabby at all! Unfortunately, this issue also gives us the news that issue #301 will be the end of the series. But I suspect that Dreadwing, Gina, Britanny, Penny, and the whole gang will be back someday in some form. Question is will I still be around and will I notice it again? Going out with a band three hundred issues later, well done sir.! 10 out of 10 Grahams.


The only problem with American Nature’s release schedule is that there isn’t one. But this works out well as every new issue of Santos Sisters comes as a surprise and makes my day! As always, we have weird ads that may or may not be real, Madame Sosostris, Amber and Alana, some new villains and a few eyebrow raising story points. I can’t tell if I am just getting used to this title or if it’s weirdness is starting to become more mainstream but I still can’t get over the feeling that there are hidden messages throughout the book. I mean why is the line “The World Is A Vampire on the cover? Nevertheless, Bridgette Spinner and Fondu are back and we are introduced to Antz-Man but the girls are there to save the new Big Burger! Strange yet enjoyable madness in one small title. 10 out of 10 Grahams.