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There can be no doubt that the stories presented here are indeed some of the best of Rodan. Whether he’s fighting Titanosaurus or rescueing it’s offspring from evil human, or even going toe to toe with Varan, this is some of IDW’s best Kaiju tales. But again, this is all their is. While it was fun reading and made we want to go digging through the Godzilla back issues, this volume didn’t offer me anything new. IDW could at least commision a three-four page wrap around new story to give me some extra bonus. But still some examples for new readers. I give it a 7 out of 10 Grahams.




After the appearance of the Peacemakers last issue, I really thought we were going to go off the rails and lose focus. Luckily Joshua Williamson manages to keep on track. And once again, we get a great bunch of cameos including a new look at the Legion of Super-Heroes. The truth is revealed including who did this to the Arrow family and it’s not who you think. Good story, good art, a little complicated but worth the read. I give it an 8 out of 10 Grahams.





Once again, I have to point out that this was not what I was expecting when I heard the title. The Brave and the Bold immediately brings to mind classic DC teamups from the late 1960’s and 70’s. This version is more of a multi story anthology featuring a good portion of Batman related tales. And while these stories are well executed, they do not feature classic crossovers. Well, not exactly. SPOILER ALERT! Ironicly, in the on-going Superman story, he comes face to face with America’s Ace of the Airwaves Hop Harrigan and the skeletal remains of Tank Tinker! Holy Golden Age, Batman! Hop and Tinker have been around the DC Universe since All-American Comics #1 in April of 1939! Now that is a proper crossover! Good creative teams, good stories, good art just not a lot of team-ups. I give it an 8 out of 10 Grahams.


Dan Abnett’s story of a parallel world in 1948 is an interesting one and in all honesty could work without Vampirella. Which is one of my problems with this title. The heroes from Project Superpowers are long gone. Vampirella and new sidekick Dyna Might don’t really need to be super powered agents. And while Pasquale Qualano’s art works for this type of noir storyline, I grew up on Jose Gonzalez and Trina Roibbins versions of Vampirella. And that is a hard act to top. So while I have a good slam bang story of mobsters and night club owners, I lose out on both the Superpowers characters and Vampirella. But to be fair, I haven’t been happy with all the Vampirella series since her own black and white magazine ended all those years ago. 6 out of 10 Grahams.