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If there’s anything that I love, it’s holiday themed covers. There’s always a ton of Halloween, Christmas, even Valentine’s Day ones. Thanksgiving ones, however, are a little bit more unusual. Thus, here are 5 of my favorite Thanksgiving covers for your enjoyment as we approach this holiday all about appreciating all the good in your life, while stuffing yourself with as much food as possible.

Fantastic Four #564. Is there anything Invisible Woman can’t do? After what was surely a hard day of saving the world, she still has time to put together a wonderful Thanksgiving meal for the family. This Norman Rockwell homage has been used many a time in covers, and will assuredly continue to be rehashed for years to come.

Simpsons Comics #51. You can always count on Simpsons to have a very topical and themed cover for whatever your gimmick needs may be. This cover is no different, as Homer is rightfully scared to find a turkey resembling Mr. Burns! Who would want to eat that turkey!?!

Batman The Long Halloween #2. A fairly grim Thanksgiving image, this reminds me of many of my own lonely Thanksgivings, spent with nothing but old family skeletons to keep my company whilst enjoying a fantastic holiday bird. Hopefully we shall all be as pleased as Grundy on the upcoming festivities.

Betty #119. Man, that Reggie is a jerk! Even on Thanksgiving, can’t give Archie a break. Wish the inside story would show Archie beating down Reggie with the turkey drumsticks or something. No need to take that from some dude who can barely headline his own comic.

Superboy #36. Because nothing reminds you how great it is to have Superboy in your family like him being able to carve a turkey fast? Classic DC covers are always good for a laugh, and this one is about as wholesome as you can get. Who wouldn’t want to spend Thanksgiving with the Kents?

So, there you have it. When it comes to holiday theme covers, it’s a little bit slim pickings for Thanksgiving covers. Hopefully all of you will have a lovely holiday, spent surrounded by the loved ones and super heroes in your own lives.