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Time for Zenescope to chose their best good girl artists and spread some cheer with some holiday themed pinups. Oh, and the short story too. A brief story of that holiday when Frau Perchta, the Belly Slitter was loose and Gretel had to do a team-up to take her and her bad German accent down! But enough of that, as Zenescope chose wisely and included their best artists and colorists for our yearly fix of pin-ups. How about Jyn Leonard’s art on Belle with the multiple blue color pallet of Sanju Nivangune or their team-up on Robyn Locksley? Or how about Sela Mathers as seen through the eyes of Franchesco!? Or Belinda by Eric Basaldua assisted by Sanju Nivangune? Or even Alfredo Reyes doing a candy cane winter wonderland with Keres and colors by Ylenia Di Napoli? Page after page of just gorgeous art to entrance the eyes, no matter which cover you pick. 9 out of 10 Grahams.



Mark Waid’s story arc finishes up as it’s Teen Titans vs Terror Titans with a little help from Oliver Queen. Robin’s back and he’s the man with the plan. But as has been the case throughout this story, it is the dialog between the characters that is the high point. Whether it is the Batman-Robin face-off or the Easter Eggs when Bumblebee goes out with Mal, these discussions are amazing. And having Mike Norton and Emanuela Lupacchino’s art really spotlights this minor epic. A perfect way to end the series. 8 out of 10 Grahams.




While Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly’s script does introduce some interesting concepts and reintroduces the newest version of the Challengers of the Unknown to the DC Universe (which I personally thank them for!) I’m still having a hard time accepting the new Batman oriented Planetary. This story shows off some very Planetary ideas here but it doesn’t have the charm of the original series. Nor does it’s characters have the same mystery about them. An untold episode from Batwoman’s past just happens to include a battle with a sea monster? And while the creature’s origins are interesting but a bit confusing, The 40% Batman influence is messing with the mojo. I give it a 7 out of 10 Grahams.


The knuckleheads are back and they’ve brought H.P. Lovecraft with them. When the boys come across a boat that takes them to the Alter of R’lyeh, somebody is going to lose a hand (or two) to the evil that is Cthulhu. Writers Adam F. Goldberg and Hans Rodionoff pen this offbeat tale that’s got too much comedy to be horror and too much horror to be a comedy. And while Diego Tapie’s art does continue in the legacy of Three Stooges artists of the past, this one’s a bit out of left field. I give it a 6 out of 10 Grahams.




If you’re going to put out a holiday horror comic, why not go with one of the most well know and banned movies of all times. And that’s exactly what American Mythology does. But this isn’t the story of Billy or even that of his younger brother Ricky. Nope, this is all about the Santa suit. When down on his luck Oscar Murphy finds himself being whispered to by the Santa suit of a man he just ran over, his life goes from bad to worse once he puts it on. Glenn Moane does a good job with the story which comes off like a new sequal in the franchise. Even down to the open ending in case of a sequel. Obviously, not for everyone, this one actually is an interesting read. I give it a 7 out of 10 Grahams.