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I wonder if DC Comics realizes what Kelly Thompson’s story has given them. While this is the classic story of parent saving child, if you remove the Birds of Prey from the action, you end up with a pretty intriguing Wonder Woman story. Certainly much more interesting than what’s happening over in the Amazon’s own title these days. And while I am still disagreeing with a few of the team’s character choices, this is turning into a really enjoyable title. And having Arist Deyn color the art was a good idea as the unusual, somewhat anime-ish style Deyn used for this issue needs to have that special touch. 8 out of 10 Grahams.



Based on the “Tales from the SMP” web series, this series seems to be found at the intersection of Classics Illustrated and these newer mini trade books that have been recently become some popular with younger teens. And while we are talking about a young man bouncing through time due to a mysterious pocket watch, which would normally be in my wheel house, I fear that I maybe outside of the target demographic. Not that this isn’t well done. It has a sort of Little Nemo in Slumberland ot Tales of a Rarebit Fiend feel to it. I need a little more Doctor Who Tardis, Quantum Leap Accelerator Chamber science to my time travel. But if you can simply enjoy the fantasy, this might work for you. I give it a 6 out of 10 Grahams.



Alien Books brings us more adventures of Machine Girl, the meanest, friendliest, cyborg cowgirl this side of Andromeda. This time we start out with the hunt for a collector’s Alf trading card and end with a showdown between rival gangs and bad hombres battling over a secret weapon. And while the story is rather comical and might appeal to kids, the language is definately R-rated! Wow! But the thing is, that the swearing fits perfectly into the situations. No one is swearing for shock value. I will admit in many of the gunfights and spaceship chases, I’d be using the same language. An entertaining presentation for a more mature crowd. I give it an 8 out of 10 Grahams.