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While I will never not love an Elvira book, you’re talking to a guy who owns the full Claypool run (including the two trade collections!), I have to admit that Dynamite’s mini-series are getting a bit predictable. Elvira traversing the multiverse with some special guest trying to save life as we know it is always entertaining. And writer David Avallone is doing a fine job keeping us moving for over 30 issues of multiple series. The problem is like he points out of page 3, Elvira has become a legend whispered on the cosmic winds. We have sort have lost that late night movie hostess charm that endeared her to us in the first place. And so as Elvira and guest spirit HP Lovecraft humorously track down the one true Necronomicon, part of me is still wishing to see what bad horror movie she’ll be hosting after the interdimensional schenanigans are over. I give it a 7 out of 10 Grahams.



Writer Tom King can write a good Rogues Gallery battle when given the opportunity. And while we’ve got some good battle scenes drawn by Daniel Sampere, we are still stuck in this retreaded 1986 Legends plot with Amazon, especially Diana, being the cause of the world’s evils. And while the Sovereign directs from the shadows, as it should be, it just seems like he’s being wasted. However, I still am interested to find out if he is somehow related to the old Freedom Fighters villian from the 2010 series. And while I’m being honest, I’m sort of done with the Trinity kids’ backup feature. The first few were cute but now I’m getting the impression that these are being used to keep the characters in front of us so that when DC reboots again in the near future, the newest Wonder Woman #1 will be featuring her and Diana will be ignored for a while. At least, until the next reboot. I give this a 6 out of 10 Grahams.



More one-shot action from current rights holders IDW. This time around though, writer Johnny Parker II gives us kaiju fans what we are looking for. Starting us with a Mothra vs Ebriah and then popping back and forth between Jet Jaguar, MechaGodzilla and Moguera. The plot of terrorists planning on destroying Infant Island definitely harkens back to the first few appearances of Mothra in the films. Parker has his fingers on the pulse of the classic films. With both hero and villain team-ups, power ups from shared kaiju and just enough plot to NOT get in the way of the monster fights. And artist Winston Chan really can draw his kaiju. This one earns a 9 out of 10 Grahams.