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It’s always good to see writer Tom Hutchison helming a new series in the Critter Universe. New villians, new mysteries, and Critter lost her Mom’s belt?! What do you mean, you don’t know about Critter’s Mom? Where were you during her 2009 premier one-shot or her 2012 series? 2013? 2015? Well, luckily we are only three issues into this series so you should be able to get caught up quickly! And with Fico Ossio posing a double threat as both artist and colorist, the panels spring out for the pages. Whether it’s Critter riding atop a speeding cab or the villainous Tidepool puking live see creatures on the heroes (Yep, that’s what I said!), it’s got style. 8 out of 10 Grahams.



Whether you like it or not, Ncuti Gatwa is officially the Doctor as he’s gotten his own Titan Comic series. And this new series might help convert the complainers like myself. The comic series has no musical numbers or music at all. Dan Watters story is intriguing featuring a time on Earth when the Earth has been abandoned due to solar storms punching holes in the Ionosphere. Add in a creepy abandon (or is it?) mall, a lost little girl, voices in Ruby’s head, and oh yes, Cybermen! And artist Kelsey Ramsay gives us a version of the Cybermen that are a bit down on their luck but in an abandon mall, they have very little to work with. This series manages to incorporate the things we like about Doctor Who and due to the medium, manage to sidestep the things we don’t. All I can hope is that the creative team can keep it up. 8 out of 10 Grahams.



Yet again, Zenescope celebrates the coming of summer with a brief short story incorporating plot points for future series. And then jump right in the deep end with the finest artists and colorists they have access to. With artists like Eric Basaldua, Sergio Arino, Jyn Leonard, J. Cardygrade, Alfredo Reyes, and so many more. And people like Ula Mos, Ian Macdonald, and Ceci La Cruz showing they know their way around a color pallet, there is nothing here not to like. The only problem you might have is picking from the four pinup covers! 8 out of 10 Grahams.



Well. It’s about damn time! Ok, ok, I’ve gotten it out of my system. I won’t be complaining anymore about DC’s inability to keep to a title’s schedule. After going back into the archives to refresh my memory as to what happened last issue, our ever expanding membership is under assault by the undead lead by the Gentleman Ghost. And the artistic team of Mikel Janin and Marco Santucci sure do know how to draw an multi panel battle scene. As always, writer Geoff Johns throws the kitchen sink at us with cameos and humor. Any writer that can blend in a version of the Legion of Substitute Heroes and Surtur is a genius in my book. Plus we learn a few new things about Hawkman which are interesting and tragic all at the same time. And how about that double page Legion spread as a cliffhanger! This is good stuff and I look forward to the next issue that should be out sometime in the next six monthes. I know, I lied. 9 out of 10 Grahams.



After De-Note’s lack of control, it all hits that fan and the truth of Soraya’s stolen chip is revealed. And it’s not what Maxx thought it was! We’ve got a Robo down and a new villain appears. Making this one of those sought after 1st appearance comics! The creative team of Melissa Flores, Elton Thomasi, Julio Brilha and Jao Canola keep the story flowing like a 1980’s cartoon based on a toyline. Which is exactly what we wanted. 8 out of 10 Grahams.