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One of the delayed books from last week, Geoff John’s story maybe winding down turning this title into another 12 issue mini-series but it doesn’t skimp on action, excitment, or cameos! First off, we get a flashback at the life and times of classic Mordru including the JSA variant version! Then we get a multi-page battle sequence between the Legion and the Society that Marco Santucci’s art would have made the late, great George Perez proud. We get a Starwoman reference and Star Boy still loves Sloppy Joes. Only to be broken up by dire warning from the future Dr. Fate and the Legion of Substitute Heroes. Only to have Yolanda rip herself apart revealling the mystery villain who has been behind it all! And wow, Johns’ really digs into the 1999 JSA title. Gemworld! Solaris from the 1999 DC One Million mini-series! And we get a brief look at the 30th Century’s new JSA! That is a lot of great story for the penultimate issue! Definitely worth the week long wait. 10 out of 10 Grahams.



One of the reasons that Plastic Man has loooooong been a fan favorite is the character doesn’t change all that much. Since his first appearance in Police Comics #1 (1941), smart aleck Eel O’Brian has charmed the pants off readers. It got him his own title in 1944. When his Quality Comics title ended in 1956, he returned a few years later under the DC banner in 1967. And how about the Plastic Man cartoon with live action intros?! And then again in in 1988 and again in 2004. Then becoming a member of the Justice League! Christopher Cantwell’s definitely belongs under the Black Label logo. Plastic Man discovers he is unravelling and only death is awaiting him. But also, how will this discovery affect Plas’s son, Luke? This is not your traditional Plastic Man title. Dark, really dark. I give it a 7 out of 10 Grahams.



When I first saw the listing for this new Avengers title, I will admit saying “Oh big whooptie-do! Another new Avengers title probably featuring a whole bunch of heroes that shouldn’t be Avengers with nothing in common with the original series.” And I was sort of right and sort of wrong. Starting the story out with Photon and Shang-Chi was more Marvel movie nonsense and didn’t thrill me. And why do I get the feeling that Jarvis is a bad guy? As the first Avenger responders go off to fight Sin, the group continues to gather at the Mansion. Hawkeye and Hercules, getting better. She-Hulk, Wonder Man, Living Lightning … I’ve had worse. Then we throw in Lightspeed from Power Pack? Ok, we’re back on the thin line again. At the end of the day, writer Steve Orlando does come up with a good intro story with a few core group members. And at least there are no vampires or Starbrand issues, so this one earns itself a 6 out of 10 Grahams.



Joe Casey’s story continues to entertain and stick with the Hanna Barbera version of the characters. With Dr. Zin on the attack, Old Jonny has to reveal all to his young counterpart and his former family. With a few plot twists, like a trip to visit old Hadji and hints as to why old Jonny call Race by his real name spring up. Revealling a future that was not all rocket cars and jet packs. A bit depressing but still captivating, this is getting an 8 out of 10 Grahams.




The long awaited 7th issue of everybody’s favorite independant comic is here. And again, this is worth the price of admission just based on the strange ads that remind me of pages out of the Chicago Reader circa 1982. As the title continues we get some new characters like Blue Agua who’s plans for Todd are borderline disturbing. Returning characters like Spinner and Fondu. And another short Boozy Bees adventure which teaches the valuable lesson about wasting beer money on lottery tickets. The only question I have is … when is issue 8 coming out? 9 out of 10 Grahams.



Normally, we don’t review a lot of trades but this one deserves some love. Why? Because this collects the perfect example of DC Comics can succeed. Take an amazing example of an extended storyline by classic writer Mark Waid, sprinkle the genius artwork of George Perez in and you get the perfect rebooting of one of the most iconic titles of the 1960’s through the 1980’s. Starting with a tradition team-up between Batman (the original title main star) and Green Lantern to set up an intensely complex story and then switching locals featuring other team-ups such as Supergirl and Lobo that all get blended into the overall plot was jaw-dropping. Obscure villains such as the Lord of Time from the JLA and the Lords of Luck from the Legion made old time readers well up with tears. Adam Strange! The Challengers of the Unknown! This updated version of the timeless team-up comic was DC at it’s finest. And the plot lines here would continue into further issues of the title. 10 out of 10 Grahams.