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I remember a time, not too long ago, no one wanted any 2nd prints.  They seemed like merely a consolation prize for those who missed out on the first.  I can’t tell you how many times I would ask someone who had been looking for an issue the last several weeks, ”Hey, I got a second print of that book for you” and the response most of the time would be, ”No thanks, I’m going to keep looking for a first print, that’s the real copy.”  A lot of the time, stores wouldn’t even order second prints, and were happy enough to just sell out of the first prints.  But something unexpected has happened:  second prints and even third, fourth, etc. prints are now the new hotness!

It makes sense too.  Lots of copies of first prints out there in general, but as I said above, stores a lot of the time just won’t order 2nd prints.  This leads to lower print runs than usual (and certainly lower print runs than the initial first print).  Certain later prints end up being worth more than even the first prints because of this.  I understand it most when a new cover is made for these new prints.  This may as well just be a late coming variant.  And who doesn’t love a myriad of variants!?!  But sometimes a later print just has a different colored background or logo.  But even these can end up being highly sought after.  You never really know which ones are going to catch on, and which will just end up in dollar bins (only to years later become super hot).  So, here is my list of 5 later prints: 2 that have been sought after for awhile and always command big bucks, two rising stars, and one upcoming one….

Batman #608 Second Print Jim Lee cover:  Now, the first print of this is a pretty awesome cover and key issue in its own right.  It’s the start of Jim Lee’s Batman run, which is always a must read.  But the 2nd print is straight up impossible to find and always gets some big bucks.  And its clear to see why.  Super iconic Batman hanging out on top of some rooftop gargoyles.  This image has been used for statues, posters, etc., but the actual copy of the 2nd print is crazy hard to get.  I would imagine it to be because stores ordered pretty high on the first print with Jim Lee on Batman being such a big deal, that they probably didn’t need too many 2nd  And this was released particularly at a time when stores just didn’t expect people to want a second print.  A perfect storm.


Captain Marvel (2012) #17 Second Print:  One of the absolute most expensive modern second prints probably ever!  Talking bout thousands (plural) of dollars. What led to this?  It’s the last issue of a series that had probably been over ordered on the just previous issues due to being part of the Infinity event.  Ingredient 1: Stores see lots of these tie in books sitting on the racks and cut the next issue down excessively.   Ingredient 2: surprise introduction of a character that was unexpected and who has since become huge.  This issue has one of the first appearances of Kamala Khan, who would go on to become of course the new Ms. Marvel.  Thus I believe this 2nd print becomes the first appearance of the new Ms. Marvel in costume.  Absolutely ridiculous huge prices ensue.  You will not find this issue cheap, and if you do, get it and run!



Venom (2018) #3 Third print: You knew this list would have some Donny Cates in it. Knull anything is absolutely knuts right now.  Venom #3 went slightly under the radar upon first release, but is the first full appearance of Knull.  Big things are expected of knull, and this third print cover has one of his earliest cover appearances.  Thus, it continues to go up and up.





Silver Surfer Black #1 Second Print:  Cates again!?!?! Not really a surprise.  This has an awesome new cover drawn by Mike Deodato Jr. and is once again an early cover appearance of Knull that went under ordered.  Hasn’t quite reached the insane levels of the #3 third print, but still one with a lot of room to grow.






And for the upcoming one to keep an eye on, even if just for fun:

Ice cream Man #20 Second Print:  The first print of this is an excellent Dr. Seuss homage that sold out quickly to say the least.  But the 2nd print follows suit with an absolutely awesome homage to Oh The Places You’ll Go.  Keep an eye out for this one for sure.


And there you have it.  Later prints are actually pretty cool and not to be forgotten as worthless reprints.