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There are so many new comic titles every year it is easy to forget what came out last month let alone last year, and even harder to remember the last ten years.  Sadly these books get pushed to the backs of people’s minds even if they read them at the time they no longer remember.  Going back and reading these older titles can always be fun especially when there a smaller release weeks, or there isn’t a title that you are really into at the moment.  One of the best parts of my job is getting to remind people that these books exist! So without further ado here are three comics from the last ten years you may have forgotten about!

#1 Wake Written by Scott Snyder with Art by Sean Murphy

We will kick this off with a title from 2013 from two creators who are still much talked about 7 years later.  Wake is a Sci-Fi Thriller/Action title revolving around a mystery in the artic.  A scientist is approached by the Department of Homeland Security to investigate a mystery at an undersea oil rig.  What she encounters there are terrifying sea creatures that may be the missing link to human kind! With grade A writing from Snyder (Dark Nights Metal, Batman Court of Owls), and killer interior art by Sean Murphy (Tokyo Ghost, Batman White Knight) I highly recommend this title to anyone who is a fan of either of these fantastic creators!



#2 Seven to Eternity Written by Rick Remender with Art by Jerome Opena and Matt Hollingsworth

The second book on our list might come as a slight surprise being that this book hasn’t even finished yet, but due to huge delays seems to have been forgotten about by many!  In a world where many have made deals with the evil God of Whispers and sealed their fate, there stands a knight from the disgraced house of Osisdis who must make a choice that could change the fate of the world.  Choose to fight against the God of Whispers with the help of other powerful Knights, or give in to the god of whispers and get his every desire.  The reason this book is on the list, is because of the massive amount of time in between each volume. The last time we got an issue of Seven to Eternity was Feb 2019. Sadly these delays have pushed this amazing book into the backs of reader’s minds.  With issue #14 which kicks off the final arc coming out 11/18/20 there is plenty of time to catch up to catch up on issues #1-13 which can be found in Vol. 1-3 which are still available and in print!

#3 Revival Written by Tim Seeley with art by Mike Norton

Starting back in 2012 this fantastic “Farm Noir” book takes us to small town Wisconsin, where a number of people who were deceased come back from the dead!  Unlike your typical zombie story these individuals seem to be completely revived with little evidence of how they passed.  Of course however things are not always how they seem leaving Officer Dana Cypress to figure out the mystery of the “Revival” and save her town.  This book is great for any horror/thriller fans, with a special nod to anyone from a small town in the Midwest (like me down in Normal, IL).