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Mark Waid and Dan Mora’s story continues and while enjoyable, it really isn’t jumping up and shaking me. Billy just can’t seem to catch a break and he’s losing control. Throwing us a red herring in the form of the Psycho Pirate is genius but it’s not enough. Plus this whole crossover thing with Wonder Woman and Mary Marvel which dredges up plot from the last “Big Event” is just getting confusing and has definite ties to the last Shazam movie. I had hoped with some of what I saw in issue #1 that we might be heading back into a sort of C.C. Beck world but I was wrong. Meanwhile, keep your eyes peeled for the 1970’s First Issue Special Atlas cameo in the back up story which is a prolog to the next “Big Event”. Sigh! I give it a 6 out of 10 Grahams.



DC really knows how to annoy me. First off, the Flash is definitely one of the most popular characters (after the Big 3) in the DC lineup. So, if he reaches a big milestone like an issue #800 and I am promised an Extra-Size Spectacular, I expect to see a much thicker stiff cover bound celebration of all things Flash. (Remember the Wonder Woman milestone issue from a few months back?) Instead, I get a 40 some pager (not including ads) with no pinups, no Flash Fact pages, nothing. Now, that being said, I did get 40 some pages of Wally West Flash stories that were funny, touching, and thought provoking as well as plenty of guest cameos (Bug-Eyed Bandit! Condiment King!). And having some of the more classic Wally West creative teams do one last story was amazing to see. But to finish it all off, after 800 issues, I am treated to a last panel blurb telling me that the Flash family will be back in an all new Issue #1! WTF! Do you not realise that we are talking 800 issues here and you, yes you DC, want to toss that all on the pile (again!) because so creative genius (sarcasm!) in marketing still believes that #1 issues sell more? You know what sells comics? Hmmmm! Good stories with good art that capture the readers imagination and keeps them coming back, that’s what! So now I find myself at a moral crossroads. I got stiffed on deluxe edition and page count but what I did get was pretty awesome. And I did get an issue #800 but there won’t be an issue #801? Do I punish the good folks who worked at making this issue a keeper because of what the “brilliant” minds (more sarcasm) in upper management came up with? So, to all who worked on this issue, the writers, the artists, the letterers, the colorists, etc., you get a 10 out of 10 Grahams. But I can’t forget or forgive these blunders, so DC you get an 8 out of 10 Grahams knowing that it could have been a 10.


Thank goodness for paraody laws as Money Shot #2 ups the game with a serious amount of celebrity cameos. And Tim Seeley’s story keeps us guessing as to what’s next. Paired with the wonderful Gisele Lagace’s art, this follow up to the original series makes for a logical next step. And there can be no doubt that her take on Underground Comix icon Cherry is spot on. The past meets the future in space and Dr. URF doesn’t stand a chance. Once again, I have to note that this is an adult story and is not for everyone. Which is sort of a shame as it really good storytelling. I give it an 8 out of 10 Grahams.




In 1956, DC developed an all new title to feature stories and characters that they felt had merit. Starting with Fireman Farrell in issue #1, Showcase would quickly develop as the starting point for the Silver Age of DC Comics. Twenty-seven years later, they would try again focusing on upcoming creative teams in their aptly named New Talent Showcase. Following in that tradition, New Talent Showcase returns with a one shot featuring the characters of the Milestone universe. A new generation of comic creators was given the reins and issued in a new look at some old heroes. And what a job they have done. This spotlights not only these creators but the new titles that are rising up. This is most assuredly a title that lives up to it’s name. This is a concept that DC should be looking into more. I give it a 9 out of 10 Grahams.