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For a mere ten cents in 1940, I would have discovered a new cover feature in the pages of my beloved All-American Comics. Now along side such comic strip pals as Mutt and Jeff, Toonerville Folks, and Reg’lar Fellas, would be this Green Lantern guy. Running side by side with such features as Gary Concord, the Ultra-Man, Red,White, & Blue, Scribbley, and radio smash Hop Harrigan, we actually didn’t get to see much of the costumed crime-fighter as aside from the cover, he only appears in costume for one panel at the end of the story. Written by Bill Finger (Yes, that Bill Finger!) and drawn by the incredible Mart Nodell, the story was a well thought out story of a meteor of alien material being crafted into a lantern which through the years brings both life and death and finally power. Power to avenge the deaths of countless people at the hands of corruption and evil men and given to young engineer, Alan Wellington Scott. The story has a little bit of everything thrown together but the bottom line is that this guy was gifted with a power ring which let him do just about anything. Fly, deflect bullets, pass through solid walls, this ring did it all. Which would not only create a demand for us to try to recreate the magic ring for ourselves but would make the Green Lantern most visible cover personality in the long run of All-American. Appearing on 76 of the 99 covers before the title went All-Western on us. And with the newest Green Lantern title appearing on stands today, it’s not hard to tell that he is still as popular as ever. And while this issue is best know for the man in green (and red … and purple?) first appearance, it also has so many other features and short text stories that this reprint reminds us of what we are missing in today’s comics. 10 out of 10 Grahams.


Our final issue of the current title, this last hooray reminds us why these character continue to return generation after generation. Writer Dennis Culver shows that not only does he understand these characters but has a deep affection for them. All your favorite characters are here, both heroes and villians. For Doom Patrol fans both old and young, this a wonderful tale connecting all the various incarnations of the team. As well as having direct ties to the wonderful storyline of the Painting That Ate Paris! With a surprize twist ending and a promise of the team returning. This series turned out to be extrememly worthwhile. 9 out of 10 Grahams.


In reviewing this title, I stopped by imaginary cable access station WSTV and consulted with late night movie review, Sly Hondo. Together, we both were amazed not only by Martin Simmonds’s eerie painting like panels but his take on the classic characters. Simmonds take on Renfield is especially troubling appearing first as an almost faceless man but then developing some facial features as the tale goes on. And his take on Bela Lugosi is right on the money. Some whole pages are wordless which is exactly how they should be and writer James Tynion IV understands this. Much like the classic Universal Studios black & white film, this part of the story is more about Renfield with Dracula being part of the shadows just out of reach of the characters. Both of us agree that this is the perfect project for this creative team. Equal parts enjoyable and disconcerting, this is perfect Halloween reading! 10 out of 10 Grahams from both of us!