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There might be snow.  That doesn’t matter. It is not a white Friday.

It will be a day for Adams.

It will be a day for Panthers.

It will be a day for Hammers. For Bolts. For Tape. But not for projects.

It will be a day for Beacons.

It will be a day for Canarys, for Cats.


It will be a day for Condors.

It will be a day for Diamonds, for Dahlias.

It will be a day for Holes and Sciences.  Perhaps together.

It will be a day for Jacks, but no cars lifted.

It will be a day for Knights, for Lightning.  Not for Days, tho.  Fall on those on your own time.

For Magik. Also, Magic.

Widows?  Arrive. Share your grief.  Widows are welcome.

For Monday Murders, Friday be damned. We shall endeavor to open to them.

Will it be a day for Orchids?  In November?  It will.

Plagues. Pearls. Powder…all are welcome here.  All welcome.

There will be 51 others over the coming year.

None will be black.  None but this.


Join us this Friday, November 24th for our Black Friday Sale!