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This isn’t your father’s Giant-Size Spider-Man, if it was you’d be getting a deluxe version of a Marvel-Team Up comic for 50 cents. And this isn’t your older brother Giant-Size Spider-Man which would have been a one-shot with Spidey and Doc Ock for $4.99. What we have is Marvel trying to relive the glory days (as proved by their ad for the upcoming Giant-Size Fantastic Four) but using the more modern 2014 one-shot. What that translates to is a thicker comic with Miles Morales and the new Venomin two interesting tales setting up future storylines. And while interesting, I have an issue with the Giant-Size moniker. An annual, maybe. An special, perhaps. But not a Giant-Size. However, that being said, fans of Miles Morales will not want to miss this one. I begrudgingly give it a 7 out of 10 Grahams.



She’s back and she’s brought the whole team with her. Along with a few interested associates. Casper’s plan is revealed! Ghosts, bombs, hidden signs, an upside down verion of the city, and a masked cowboy with ghost guns. Terry and Rachel Dodson (with some lettering help from Clayton Cowles) start up a new chapter in the pulp fiction/film noir world of Adventureman. And this secondary story is bigger and better than the first. I give it a 9 out of 10 Grahams.




Wow! A Godzilla parody comic. Yep, not gonna like it. The problem with parody comics is that they are silly but very rarely funny. And so if that was all this was it would be getting very low marks. But that is not all this is as I discovered by reading the intro letter from creator Mitch Teemley. Because that little blurb on the cover stating that this comic is based on the hit cult movie is TRUE! Yep, this is actually a movie adaptation comic! And Mitch’s tale of how both the movie and comic came about is awe-inspiring. Now, at the end of the day, it is still about a baby kaiju that grows to giant size when it injests beer. Which is rather wacky and zany but when you figure out that this was a life long ambition of a young man that had to wait until he was an old man to seen his ideas come to life in both film and comic form, it gives the comic a different perspective. This is a fun read that has a whole world of significance which makes it so much more. I only wished I could have been at the 2019 G-Fest Convention where the film previewed. Cudoes to Mitch and his team (Lukman Hadi on storyboards, Zumart Putra on art, and Ben Dunn, Fred Perry, and Hiroshi Kanatani for their various covers. 9 out of 10 Grahams.