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1984! The year George Orwell warned us about. And just before DC’s Crisis on Infinite Earths was about to go full blast after monthes of disappearing heroes and villians, the characters of the Marvel Universe were disappearing too. And the main story started here a short 40 years ago. The Avengers! The X-Men! Parts of the Fantastic 4! (Sue Storm-Richards stayed at home to have a baby.) A bodiless voice promises everything to the victor. But this was the 1980’s and nobody really played nice. With various teams untrusting of the others (and these were the good guys!) everything was up for grabs. And Magneto and Doctor Doom may have had the right idea to look out for number one. This was the first chapter of a 12 part epic that ended rather uneventfully. Well, except for Spider-Man who got a pair of snazzy new all black long-johns. Oh and that horrible sequel that coundn’t even make it 12 issues. With a few fond memories (like Galactus snuffing out Ultron and Dr. Doom jumping ship), Was this one worth a Facsimile Edition? I don’t know. I give it 6 out of 10 Grahams.


While still a confusing mess, at least this issue provides some good old fashion Amazonian competition. As Wonder Woman bests her fellow Wonder Women at tests of skill to keep them out of the fight, the government is putting together an old school Wonder Woman Rogues Gallery team to do battle. It was nice to see Angle Man again. Meanwhile, the future Trinity team ride Kangas and drop hints as to what happened to the Big 3. The calm before the storm begins issue. I give it a 6 out of 10 Grahams.




A mere ten issues before the Doom Patrol, Bert and Harry discovered the Fish-Man and chased it with their deep-sea water craft! College student Bill Prince got to become an exchange student on the planet Uthol! And Len Delano won the Lanoy Castle in a raffle. Only to have to solve the mystery of the possibly haunted castle! And if all that excitment wasn’y enough to get my heart beating, this issue included an ad for the new DC Comicpac which provided four DC comics in a sealed bag for 47 cents! All I had to do was ask for them at my favorite supermarket! This is how we did it old school! 10 out 10 Grahams.