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It’s February, and thus it’s that time of year when red is everywhere you look and love is on the minds of all. So, to celebrate Valentine’s month, I will be looking at my favorite couples in comics and some of their standout covers!

1) Batman and Catwoman: Assuredly one of the first couples to spring to anybody’s mind, Batman and Catwoman are of course forever linked, in their cat and mouse game of hero and villains who just can’t get enough of each other. Batman seems forever on the chase, not sure if he should catch her and turn her in, or catch her and just hold on to her. This cover is one of my favorites, but more so for knowing that inside Batman asks Catwoman to marry him!

2) Reed and Sue Richards: Reed and Sue have been together forever. Fantastic Four has always been a title that is about family more than almost anything, and at the heart of that is Reed and Sue always being there for each other. Of course, as with any marriage, they have been tested time and time again, but you know that they will always be there for each other. Reed may not pay enough attention to Sue at times, tinkering with his inventions, and Sue may flirt a bit with Namor, but assuredly, their relationship is as solid as the rocks that make up the Thing.

3) When you think of Harley Quinn, you can’t help but think of that special someone by her side: Poison Ivy! When neither can count on anybody else or the world in general, they always have each other. And sure, they have their own foibles, wanting to destroy mankind so that plants can thrive, evil exes, but they boyh love each other for who they are, and nothing will ever get in the way of that.

4) Peter Parker and Mary Jane: Talk about a couple who have been through just about everything, you can’t help but root for the love story of these two. Though the world be a dangerous place, especially for the non-powered lover of a super-hero, the lesson to be learned time and time again is that it’s better to face life’s hardships together than apart.

5) Cyclops, Jean Grey, Wolverine: The eternal X love triangle, who should Jean be with, boy scout Cyclops, or wild-man Wolverine? Though generally Scott would win Jean’s favor, clearly, she always had at least one eye on Wolvie too. Growing up I was always in favor of Wolvie and Jean, but as an adult had a lot more respect for Cyclops in general. Red and Slim forever!

Of course, comics are filled with iconic couples: Superman and Lois, Hulk and Betty, Midnighter and Apollo, Thor and Jane, Nightwing and Starfire. Who would you choose as your favorite comic couple of all time?