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Well, the gang at Zenescope have done it again. This time focasing on the Star Wars-ie holiday of May the 4th. And we do get the full line of Star Wars characters in the cosplaying cast of their usual titles. From Han Solo on the cover to C3PO towards the end. And as always, we get a preview of a future storyline involving Masumi and her demon eliminating sword. If you like Star Wars and some really inventive ways that woman can come up with, you’ll love this. Featuring the amazing work of Jyn Leonard, Alfredo Reyes, and Paul Green.  7 out of 10 Grahams.



If you were hoping for some clarity with the current storyline, you may be disappointed. Reverse-Flash is still manipulating events as the Folding Man continues to collect and empower the Rogues Gallery. Barry is still going mad and Wally is lost in his own little crusade and abandoning his real life. The rest of the Flash family is getting caught up in the mess. Writer Simon Spurrier manages to keep the various plot points moving but I can’t help but feel The world of the Flash has lost a lot with all this multi-dimensional nonsense. 5 out of 10 Grahams.




Maxx Steele brings us into the Nacelleverse comic universe. The toyline from which the comics are based on were made by the Ideal Toy Company in 1984. And while I was prowling the aisles of Toys R Us back then, I really didn’t take much notice. And like all good toy lines of the 80’s, the toys generated an animated series and a big screen movie and I pretty much ignored those as well. So, I’m pretty much like any new reader. Writer Melissa Flores gives us a good start as RoboForce is not living up to it’s full potential and they know it. I get the vibe that this story is being written by a 10-11 year old from the 1980’s. The personalities of the RoboForce is definitely from the creative mind of a child who played with these toys. And having a cameo from the Great Garloo is always a plus. 8 out of 10 Grahams.


Many folks missed the debut of Advent Comics in 2009. But they have been producing comics for the past 15 years. With titles like Co8mos and the Formidables. And Homeland fits into the homemade groove that many of their titles have. The creative team of Tony Kittrell, Austin Brooks, and Rachel Lachance give us a team of superhuman heroes working for the government to protect mankind after the events of 9/11. With tragedy, true emotions, and the need to succeed, these characters are really well represented in these pages. And while like any #0 issue, we get a lot of previews from their other covers. Advent may have a winner. I give it an 8 out of 10 Grahams.


The big finale to our story and of course the unbeatable team of Godzilla and humanity triumph. Sorry, Spoiler but I’m sure you guessed that already. Zoospora is destroyed or is it? That’s the main problem here as the story ends with our heroes and kaiju walking into the sunlight but the destuction of Zoospora has left weird mushrooms all over the place which would be a big red flag for me. Unless I got word that there would be a follow up series involving Matango and the Curse of the Mushroom People. Standard classic ending that left me wanting to slap everyone in the story upside the head. Didn’t even give us a THE END … ? A strange little series adding to the IDW world of Godzilla. I give it a 7 out of 10 Grahams.