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Not having read the first two installments of this storyline, I’m a bit behind but fortunately this is nothing I haven’t seen before. An ending of the world vampire catastrophe. A Twilight inspired hierarchy of vampire “clans” at war with one another. The recruiting of friends and foes alike from across the Marvel universe. A storyline where little snippets of information is presented in multiple titles and mini-series with main titles’ storylines being interrupted so they can participate and raise sales. So this little 1 of 3 series, provides us with Dracula tracking down Blade’s daughter for his side. Usually stories like this end up the company’s Annuals. And unfortunately for me, they re still using revamped (no pun intended!) 199o’s Dracula and not the classic Gene Colan Dracula that I grew up on. I was never a big fan of this moustache-less, armor toting, younger version with the early Sub-Mariner smugness. While Dracula was always smug, this version seems more jerk-like than regal. So, if you are ready to hunker down for a few months and buy dozens of comics, this one might be for you. I give it a 4 out of 10 Grahams.


The first part of Writer Konstantine Paradias’s story was enough to capture my attention to check out the next issue. And again, this second partof a story where Dracula awakening after the fall of mankind with aliens and a sort of Planet of the Apes vibe is enough to keep me involved for the next chapter. I’m just sure how that is going to work. As Dracula has found a new Reinfield and started to act as a (sort of) protector of the local throwback population after tasting alien blood (and liking it!) he returns to his cryo-coffin, we are encourage to check out the new Dracula After Man Part 2 series coming soon. Wha? I’m not sure why this is but it confuses the heck out of me. Well, until this new series appears, this last issue gets a 7 out of 10 Grahams.


American Mythology is pulling some interesting titles out of there hat and I for one love it. And while the image here shows that this is most assuredly based on the 1981 film (or it’s reboot in 2009). When you pick the issue up it will read Valentine Bluffs Massacre. Really, thinking it might be a right issue but that doesn’t matter. And that’s because S.A. Check and James Kuhoric’s story makes for a perfect sequel to the original film. When slimy Leggit Productions comes to Valentine Bluff, the plan is not only to make a horror movie but to turn the town into a tourist mecca for the horror community. And it looks like, they are going to get away wiyth it. Unless, of course, the guy with the pick ax has something to say about it. And trust me, he does! Aside from the classic cover and an entertaining nail gun scene streaight out of the ToolBox Murders (1978), issue two is a little light on the gory bits but that’s soon to change. A wonderful follow up to a cult classic. 8 out of 10 Grahams.


An interesting little one-shot with Dave Franchini and David Wohl using the real life legends of the Plum Island Animal Disease Center at the tip of Long Island to set there story on. this one too quickly turns into a standard love story between government scientist and the creature he’s in charge of studying. And while the havoc the captured Nymph is gruesome, I had been hoping for more involving the rather secretive base located so close to New York. The story is enjoyable but I wanted more conspiracy. Ending on a “The End?” type of final panel, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Nymph returns in one of Zenescope’s other titles. 7 out of 10 Grahams.


After 6 issues, Santos Sisters still continues to astonish me. I mean, really, a Big Jim Action Figure reference on page one?! These folks know how to score brownie points. (And if you don’t understand the reference – shame on you! Google it!) It’s also nice to see the comic stories expanding into multiple issues as two of the stories here end in a too be continued ending panel. It’s also nice to see the secondary characters getting to take center stage at different points in the story. New super-villains and the usual pages of odd ads to peruse leads to a very satisfying issue. 9 out of 10 Grahams.