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An interesting mismash of DC history wrapped around the Planetary template. Batwoman catches up with Jinny Hex to help her with a problem of ghosts and a cursed gun. Mixing flashbacks with the Wild West Era of Jonah Hex with Batwoman’s leaving the team provides a new chapter for the Outsiders team to investigate. Honestly, I was rather hoping that this cursed gun might be related to the Crimson’s Avenger’s guns from the 1990’s JSA series. But that never popped up. And unfortunately for Batwoman, her calls aren’t going to be answered by her old teammates as something is going down in the issue cliffhanger. Again, we’ve got a lot to take in but it’s done rather well. 7 out of 10 Grahams.



With the popularity of such media as Dexter and Silence of the Lambs, the floodgates are barely holding back the onslaught of killer comics (intential pun there!). And writer Doug Wagner introduces us to sensative child turned adult killer, Edwyn who’s obsession with sporks is actually quite humerous. But aside from that, the animal loving bringer of vengeance is for his first issue, rather average. I will admit to being interested in what sort of doll punishment was used by his mother during his younger years. All in all, a nicely rounded psycho-killer story just nothing out of the ordinary. 6 out of 10 Grahams.



Unfortunately, after all the Anniversary specials released over the past few monthes, I’m afraid we got spoiled. And the one-shot was a rather abrupt slap of reality. And while some of the stories and art were nice reminders of past series, it appears that IDW is back to full blown reprints of chapters from past Godzilla titles. I am always a happy camper when I get to see Ebirah, the Sea Monster but it just isn’t enough. Reprints can be effective when used in other original stories but combining random issues from over 10 years ago doesn’t really cut it. 4 out of 10 Grahams.



I think I’ll choose die from this current version of a perky action teen manga turned comic. And while writer/artist Louie Joyce’s art style will definitely appeal to the Spider-man Spider-verse movie fans, skateboarders attempting to save their little part of the planet from the rampage of Godzilla and Varan is a little too out there for me. Which is a shame as Varan is one of the more obscure kaiju who needs to get more respect. But I don’t believe, he’s going to get it here. And unless, Godzilla fights Varan in a Roller Rink with both of them in giant roller skates (I would at least give them credit for thinking outside the box), aside from the art style, I don’t see any reason to stick around. 3 out of 10 Grahams.