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A Guide to Power Rangers By Bryan J

A Guide to Power Rangers By Bryan J

One of my favorite parts of growing up was turning the TV on seeing the Power Rangers and watching my favorite heroes in spandex take on the enemy of the week; while also learning important lessons and seeing giant robots turn into even bigger giant robots. When I got...
Comic Book Covers: The Original Clickbait By Luke Simkins

Comic Book Covers: The Original Clickbait By Luke Simkins

I was pricing through a long box of older comics the other day, and I came across the cover for Flash #206. It’s a Neal Adams cover, featuring a woman plummeting face first into the ground from a plane while the Flash looks on in horror. This kind of over the top and...
My First Comic by Brett

My First Comic by Brett

As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster…oops; sorry, wrong article. As far back as I can remember I was reading comics. My family spent many of our weekends in a cottage on an extremely small lake in Central New York that had no rivers or...
Into the Manga-Verse! By Gavin M

Into the Manga-Verse! By Gavin M

Once upon a time, in a world not so different from ours, the shelves of comic book stores were adorned with a colorful array of stories that transcended time and space. Manga, a form of Japanese comic art, had taken the world by storm, introducing readers to...
Sorcery Fight with Jake

Sorcery Fight with Jake

Previously, I your friendly neighborhood Lakeview store manager have written up a list of some of my favorite manga series, and I’m back to focus on one of those series Jujutsu Kaisen. Having dived back into the genre of manga in the last year Jujutsu Kaisen is the...
Marvel’s #3 is #1 by Kevin H

Marvel’s #3 is #1 by Kevin H

When people talk about Marvel Comics, the founding days, the peak creative window, the names most likely to come up are, in order, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Love him or hate him or correctly assess his place in history as both historic AND aggrandized simultaneously,...