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Doc’s Reviews for the Week of 10/11/2023

Doc’s Reviews for the Week of 10/11/2023

 WESLEY DODDS THE SANDMAN #1     DC COMICS Well, DC is finally getting around to us Golden Age fans. And our newest outing acts as a sort of prequel to the Sandman story. Wesley Doods is having dreams. Dreams of heroes and friends he has yet to meet. And dreams of...
Doc’s Reviews for the Week of 10/11/2023

Doc’s Reviews For The Week of 10/4/2023

 DETECTIVE COMICS #140     DC COMICS Ahhhh, a reminder of the good old days when I could plunk down my hard earned dime and enjoy a veritable cornicopia of comic entertainment! I mean, of course I got my adventure of Batman and Robin fighting the amazing new foe, the...
Doc’s Reviews for the Week of 10/11/2023

Doc’s Reviews For the Week of 9/27/2023

POWER GIRL #1     DC COMICS Well, the Dawn of DC is proving to be a bit of a hit or miss deal. Unfortunately, Power Girl’s new title is falling a bit short. While the original concept of an Earth 2 Supergirl has fallen by the wayside, the constant revamping of...
Doc’s Reviews for the Week of 10/11/2023

Doc’s Reviews For The Week Of 9/20/2023

 WONDER WOMAN #1     DC COMICS Well. Here we go again. Just hit issue #800 and so we gotta take a vacation for a month or two and come back with an all new #1 issue. Hate to say this gang but we’ve all been through this rodeo before. It’s such an old sales...
Doc’s Reviews for the Week of 10/11/2023

Doc’s Reviews For The Week Of 9/13/2023

WEREWOLF BY NIGHT #1     MARVEL COMICS With October right around the corner, Marvel has come up with some titles and one-shots to reintroduce us to their monster sub-universe. With a new version of the Crypt of Shadows title coming up, they tossed us a quick sneak...
Doc’s Reviews for the Week of 10/11/2023

Doc’s Reviews For The Week of 9/6/2023

 BIRDS OF PREY #1     DC COMICS I always look forward to a new Birds of Prey title and with a Green Arrow loving Black Canary at the helm, I thought things might be turning in the right direction. But honestly, I’m a bit torn on this one. I was the biggest fan...