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My First Comic: Marvel Presents #5 By Gary

My First Comic: Marvel Presents #5 By Gary

It’s always interesting when comic collectors of a certain age wax nostalgic about comics of their youth.  Ever notice the comment, “Got that one off the rack!” when collectors post or comment about old comics?  I wonder if today’s youth will be saying the same thing,...
My First Comic Purchase by Frank R.

My First Comic Purchase by Frank R.

One of my earliest memories of super-heroes was watching The Justice League Animated Series early mornings before school. Remembering back, my favorite from the bunch was always John Stewart. He was the coolest looking member in the bunch and also was my introduction...
My First Comic By Djenne H

My First Comic By Djenne H

The first comics books ever given to me were a couple of Sonic the Hedgehog issues by a friend in no discriminate order. I know that I read them until they basically fell apart, but I couldn’t tell you what issues or what happened in those books. They still left...
My First Comic by Nick

My First Comic by Nick

My first comic was Marvel Tales #143 The Amazing Spider-Man #6, it was the first appearance of The Lizard. I remember I was only a kid at the time and my grandpa gave it to me as a gift and of course after seeing that cover I had to see what was inside, and I’m...
My First Comic by Nick

My First Comic Book By: Nina H.

The first Power Mark series written by Steve Benintendi is a Christian based comic about an injured soldier named Mark Chen who’s put on a new mission after his recovery to teach children about Jesus using secret and high-tech equipment. The story follows the group of...
My First Comic Book: Anthony Fograse

My First Comic Book: Anthony Fograse

Commentary by: Anthony Fograse I jumped at the opportunity to write about my first comic book for this newsletter the moment (Plainfield manager) Johnny asked me if I was interested in giving it a shot. The prospect of being able to share something about myself on a...