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My First Comic by Emily R.

My First Comic by Emily R.

I hear a lot of stories of people getting into the comic book world really young but I was sort of a late bloomer. I lived in San Diego around the age of 11 or 12 when my dad tried to get me to go to the San Diego Comic Con but I declined as my foolish mind thought...
My First Comic by Rick Lundeen

My First Comic by Rick Lundeen

Fantastic Four #112- All Time Greatest Battle Issue June, 1971. In Fantastic Four #111, the team was dealing with an out of control Ben Grimm. Reed’s latest serum to cure Ben of being the Thing tried a new tack. It allowed Ben to transform back and forth between...
My First Comic by Pete R.

My First Comic by Pete R.

To be honest, I’m not sure what the first comic I ever owned was and I’m not sure what the first comic I ever read was either. As kids my sister and I would go to the public library and check out all the comics they had over and over. Basically, if my sister thought...
My First Comic by Shawn Spurlock

My First Comic by Shawn Spurlock

I was 6, or 2 years younger than my son Booker is now. I was sick, not an uncommon childhood occurrence for me as I was prone to regular bouts of tonsillitis. My father brought home 3 comics that night. I can recall the cover of 1 of them, the memory of the others is...
My First Comic by Jake Pierce

My First Comic by Jake Pierce

Being a product of the 90s I watched the Spider-man animated series until my eyes turned red as a child. It was my first introduction to super heroes and the bad guys they fought over and over again. I loved every episode of the series and loved watching Spidey duke...
My First Comic by Earl G.

My First Comic by Earl G.

I first discovered comics with a Superboy issue found on a Chicago bus. Amazing Spider-Man #7 was the first Marvel to really hit me. It was issue #9 that started me collecting. Back in the day, issue numbers were meaningless. Stories had little or no continuity, and...