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Alright as fan requested… Why Comic Book NFTs are stupid!

Why? Well Webster defines a book as “a set of printed sheets of paper that are held together inside a cover.” These items are designed to hold and share information. You can buy 2, 3 or 100 copies of the same book and receive the same information. So therefore, comic...

The 6 Covers of Christmas

The 6 Covers of Christmas The aesthetic of Christmas has always been my favorite out of all of the holidays (sorry Halloween). Warm fires and cold nights, the lights on the Christmas tree, the multi-colored ornaments and decorations, it’s all just so nice. I figured,...

Doc’s Reviews for the Week of 10/27/2021

AQUAMAN/GREEN ARROW DEEP TARGET #1     DC COMICS I was actually hoping for a repeat of the classic 1959 cross-over story from Adventure Comics #267 where Green Arrow persues his villian underwater while Aquaman has to persue on land and the problems they have...