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Unsung Heroes By Adonis Garcia

Unsung Heroes By Adonis Garcia

Comics are great, no if ands or buts about it. But with the amount of new books presented to us every Wednesday, some characters get lost and forgotten. Here are three fun characters that you should check out! CONCRETE – Dark Horse Comics  Written and illustrated by...
Everything Old is Old Earl G.

Everything Old is Old Earl G.

Back in the Golden Age of comics, the covers generally had nothing to do with the inside. World’s Finest comic showed Superman, Batman and Robin playing baseball, even though they didn’t even appear in a story together in the issue. Captain America and...

Free Comic Book Day 2019 Reviews

CAPTAIN CANUCK #1     CHAPTERHOUSE PUBLISHING Chapterhouse does an amazing job of reviewing the history of Captain Canuck and his universe. From redacted files delving into the past through action scenes revealing the future storyline. Chapterhouse makes full use of...
A life spend in comics and how TV got me to read…

A life spend in comics and how TV got me to read…

Television got me to read. Growing up, there was a show on PBS called The Electric Company.  On that show there was a character named ‘Easy Reader’.  He was played by a very young Morgan Freeman (yes, that Morgan Freeman).  Most problems he encountered could be solved...