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Reviews for the Week of 11/22/17

Reviews for the Week of 11/22/17

DOOMSDAY CLOCK #1     DC COMICS Ok, lets get this over with. With all the hype this title has been generating, it is a title that screams to be reviewed. On the one hand, this is off to a good start. Ozymandias’s big plan has gone totally sour and his quest to...
Reviews for the Week of 11/22/17

Doc’s Reviews for 11/1/17

BATMAN THE DEVASTATOR #1     DC COMICS A Doomsday version of Batman? I guess it was bound to happen but it doesn’t do much to help the overall storyline and raises interesting questions that are never answered. This concept would have worked great as a...
Reviews for the Week of 11/22/17

Doc’s Reviews for 8/23/17

MANHUNTER SPECIAL #1     DC COMICS Like taking a step back into the past! While this book provides us with a cornucopia of great Kirby nostalgia, Keith Griffen, Mark Buckingham, Dan Didio, and Chris Sotomayor steal the show with their take on Adventure Comics stalwart...